Ways To Get Care


Let’s get you or your child on track to living the good life!

Non-Lab Based Protocol

This option is safe for most people. You can access my specific protocol for functional medicine supplements without lab work. We prefer you get lab work but some people can’t afford them and need care and are willing to take the risk of potentially under-dosing. You assume risk here that would be mitigated with lab work.

How this works, we have an initial functional medicine visit to determine whether this plan is safe and appropriate for you. 6 months.

Includes 1 Functional Medicine Initial Visit, 5 follow ups and baseline supplements for 6 months.

Can be broken up into monthly payments.

Paid in full, you will receive 10% off supplements.

Don’t guess, test!

Lab-Based Protocol

1) No-cost Consultation, 15 minutes, to discuss whether this is a good fit for your family.

2) Initial Consultation, 50 minutes. Discuss your concerns in depth. Recommendation for Lab work, supplements, life style.

3) Lab Work. Typically GI-Map (gut test, stool) Sample GI-Map, Metabolomix+ (comprehensive health assessment, urine test) Sample Metabolomix +, 3x4 Genetics (cheek swab) Sample 3x4 Genetics .

Common additional tests: DUTCH (hormone evaluation, urine)DUTCH Sample Reports, Food Sensitivity Allergy 88 Allergy 88, Food Map with Candida Food Map & Candida, ALCAT Pediatric Wellness Panel ALCAT Foods with add on Nutritional Panel Nutritional Panel.

It takes about 1 month to get all the results back and analyzed. When you get your lab kits in the mail, get them done and sent off ASAP.

4) Big Lab Follow Up and Review of Findings, 50-80 mins. Here we come up with a plan.

5) Routine Follow Ups at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks, 24 weeks and more if necessary to make sure you are getting the results you are seeking and allows us to course-correct along the way.

6) Celebrate yourself! You are amazing!!!

Can be broken up into monthly payments. Paid in full, you will receive 10% off supplements.

Group Care is awesome! I’m a believer.

We also do group visits on a HIPAA compliant app so you can receive support from your community